Skinny Legs – 8 Best Home Exercises To Gain Weight Quickly

 Skinny Legs – 8 Best Home Exercises To Gain Weight Quickly

Skinny Legs

8 Best Skinny Leg Exercises

Being underweight is a common problem faced by people of all ages around the world. Such people are not only concerned about their skinny body but also they find it upsetting. Skinny legs are one of the main concerns of underweight people. This is mainly because skinny legs are easily noticeable in most kinds of dresses. Thus, people with skinny legs might experience a lack of confidence or self-consciousness due to their body shape. However, you can easily bulk skinny legs with the right diet plan and various legs-targeting exercises. To help you better, here are the 8 expert-recommended home exercises to gain weight on skinny legs.

But before checking out these exercises, let’s know the most common causes of being skinny or underweight.

  • Hereditary Factors
  • Excessive Physical Activities
  • Prolonged or Underlying Illness
  • Certain Medicines or Drugs
  • Psychological Problems like depression, stress, etc.


Squats are considered to be the king of lower body exercises without equipment. This incredible exercise targets glutes, quadriceps, calves, hips, hamstrings, core, and adductor muscles. Squats help to build lower body mass by building and strengthening all these muscles. That’s how this exercise helps to enhance the mobility, stability, flexibility, and posture of the body. Furthermore, it also helps to boost digestion and allows you to eat more calorie-dense foods for gaining weight quickly.


How To Do The Squats Exercise?

  • Stand straight with both your feet distanced apart at a shoulder-width with both hands joined near your chest.
  • Now lower down your body by bending your knees and extending your buttocks in the backward direction. Make sure to keep your back completely straight while doing so and don’t allow your knees to extend beyond toes.
  • Squat down as low as possible without losing balance and stand back up slowly into the initial position.
  • Repeat these steps 15-20 times per set.

Forward Lunges

Forward Lunges are a great exercise to make your lower body stronger and muscular. The main muscles targeted by this great exercise include glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, core, and back. Furthermore, it helps to build muscle mass in the lower body to make look bulkier and well-formed. Also, this home workout is very effective to enhance the mobility of the body, while improving posture too. You can try different variations of this exercise like side lunges, curtsy lunges, pendulum lunges, and walking lunges, etc.


How To Do The Forward Lunges Exercise?

  • Stand straight with both your feet close to each other and hands joined in front of your chest.
  • Now take one step forward with your right foot and lower down your body by bending both your knees. Make sure to keep your back completely straight while doing so and stop when both your knees are bent at approximately 90-degrees.
  • Return to the initial position and repeat the same steps with your left foot.
  • Repeat these steps with alternating legs 15-30 times per set.


Steps Ups are another gem in the list of best home exercises for skinny legs. This amazing workout targets the major lower body muscles like quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. Furthermore, it helps to enhance the body’s athletic performance by making the legs stronger and powerful. Also, it’s a great cardio exercise that improves the balance and coordination of the body


How To Do The Step Ups Exercise?

  • Stand straight in front of a sturdy chair aligned with a wall or the first step of stairs. Make sure that the chair or stair-step is 1-1½ feet high.
  • Now lift your right foot off the floor and place it on the step, followed by the left foot.
  • Step down by reversing these steps into the initial position. Also, make sure to keep your back completely straight while doing the steps ups exercise.
  • Repeat these steps 15-30 times per set and then switch the legs.

Box Jumps

Box Jumps is a similar exercise to steps ups but it’s more intense and effective. This incredible exercise targets calves, hamstrings, glutes, and quadriceps. Box Jumps help in boosting the digestion process, which allows you to eat more calorie-dense foods to gain weight. Furthermore, this amazing exercise helps to improve the athleticism and strength of the lower body.


How To Do The Box Jumps Exercise?

  • Stand straight in front of 1-1½ feet high sturdy box with both your feet hip-width apart.
  • Now squat down by bending your knees and extending your buttocks in the backward direction to generate power.
  • After that, swing your arms in the backward direction to create force and jump on the top of the box. Make sure to land both your feet together without losing balance.
  • Jump back and land into the initial position.
  • Repeat these steps 15-30 times per set.

Calf Raises

As the name suggests, Calf Raises are an excellent exercise to build and strengthen the calf muscles. Furthermore, this exercise helps to train the ankles and calves for intense physical activities like sports or athletics. The best thing about this exercise is that you can do it anywhere, anytime.


How To Do The Calf Raises Exercise?

  • Stand straight on the first step of the stairs, such that your heels are in the air. Thus, only the front part of your feet will be placed on the stair-step.
  • Now slowly raise your heels and hold this position for 1-2 seconds while balancing your body on front-feet.
  • Lower your heels back to the initial position.
  • Repeat these steps 15-30 times per set. Also, you might hold dumbbells or a kettlebell in both hands to make this exercise more intense.

Sumo Squats

Sumo Squats are an incredibly effective variation of the standard squats exercise. This amazing workout targets the quadriceps, calves, glutes, hips, hamstrings, and inner thigh muscles. Also, it helps to strengthen and build the lower body, while improving its power, stability, sturdiness, explosiveness, and coordination. You can hold dumbbells or a kettlebell in both your hands to increase the intensity of this exercise.


How To Do The Sumo Squats Exercise?

  • Stand straight with both your feet distanced at hip-width and your toes pointing slightly away from each other.
  • Now bend your knees to squat down while extending your buttocks in the backward direction. Make certain that your back is completely straight and your knees don’t extend further than your toes while doing so.
  • When you’ve reached the lowest possible point without losing balance, stand back up to the initial position.
  • Repeat these steps 15-30 times per set.

Jump Squats

Jump Squats are a superb workout for building strong and muscular legs. This intense variation of the squats targets various lower body muscles, including quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, glutes, and hips. Furthermore, it helps to build stamina, improve stability, and enhance the athletic abilities of the body.


How To Do The Jump Squats Exercise?

  • Stand straight with both your feet apart at a hip-width distance and your hands joined in front of your chest.
  • After that, squat down by bending your knees and extending your butt backward. Also, don’t allow your back to bend or your knees to extend further than your toes while doing so.
  • When your thighs are parallel to the floor, hold the position for 1-2 seconds.
  • Now use the power of your legs and press your feet into the floor and jump as high as possible.
  • Land on the floor into the squat position and do the same steps again.
  • Repeat these steps 15-30 times per set.

Bulgarian Split Squats

Bulgarian Split Squats is one of the most effective lower body workouts for you. The main muscles targeted by this amazing workout include the quadriceps, calves, hamstrings, and glutes. In addition, it helps to improve the balance, coordination, power, and mobility of the body.


How To Do The Bulgarian Split Squats Exercise?

  • Stand straight with both your feet close to each other and a sturdy bench placed 2 feet behind you.
  • Now bend your right knee to place the top part of your right foot on the bench behind you.
  • After that, squat as low as possible by bending both your knees while balancing your body on your left leg.
  • Return to the initial step two position by reversing these steps.
  • Repeat these steps 15-20 times per set and then switch legs.

That’s All Folks!

So these were the top 8 home exercises to gain weight on skinny legs while strengthening the lower body. By including these exercises in your regular workout routine, you’ll easily be able to build bulky and muscular legs. However, it’s very important to consume a calorie-dense diet to gain weight and get better results. For this purpose, it’s highly recommended that you consult a licensed dietician near you. Also, don’t over-exhaust your body as it will result in weight loss rather than weight gain.


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