Going green Being environment friendly has immense benefits

Going green
Hello friends, Our mother nature is so kind to us. But in the last two decades, human activities have caused a lot of harmful effects on nature. It has resulted in the form of global warming, destructions, change in temperatures, and the environment. Not only that the longevity of the livings beings has also been affected by that. That is an alarming sign. Air, water, and sound pollution have taken a toll on mother nature too. But do you know that our little efforts and small steps can help to save the earth? Solutions to the problem are quite easy. We just need to have a look at our day-to-day activities and need to make a checklist of what can be the preventive measures to replenish the earth and be supportive of mother nature.
Play your part in going green-Going green is not only a demand of time but a major health booster too. In this process, you need to focus on reducing wastage of resources and attain environment-friendly approaches. So going green is the need of the hour. Small changes can have a big impact on the environment. It is a matter of health, sustainability, and development and coming generations need to be more secure, aware, and cautious regarding the judicious use of natural resources and add to the environment and be environment-friendly people.
Starting from home-The best part is you can start from the home. Teach your kids to be environment-friendly and love mother nature. Small changes in lifestyle and daily routine can play a vital role in saving the environment. Make your kitchen garden, grow organic vegetables and fruits. Make your fertilizer out of the kitchen waste. Make use of reusable products, use washable napkins in the kitchen, buy vegetables and fruits from the local market and focus on green cleaning agents in the kitchen. Use wrapping paper instead of silver foils. Make less use of microwaves as the radiation is not good for the body. The list is long and the choice is all yours.
Use the kitchen waste to make fertiliser–

Our kitchen waste such as fruits and vegetable peels can be good manure for the kitchen garden. It can be a good fertilizer for plants. But make sure not to use other kitchen waste such as rotten peels, rotten fruits, any metal stuff, or beverages cans. It is not good for a good fertilizer and keeps these things different. It will help you to dispose of the waste and help in the good growth of the plants.
Proper trash management-It is the big one and the major step in going green. Try to do proper trash management. Learn to segregate the bio-degradable and non-biodegradable products. Many companies are coming forward to make this a pleasant process. Use greens in your kitchen manure and rest they will collect and dispose of. This is a very good initiative. Search for such options and learn to focus on an eco-warrior and teach others also how to develop the habit of becoming an eco-friendly person.
Save water and electricity–

Well it’s good to manage the resources. Fix the running tap of the house and switch off the water tab when not in use. After washing rice and lentils the leftover water can be used to water plants which are good for their growth as this include some amount of chemicals in it. Clean your car or vehicle with wipes instead of running water. Learn to store and manage rainwater. Learn and explore possible ways to save water. Likewise, electricity usage also needs to be checked. Switch off the gadgets when not in use. Be an eco-warrior and make others realize the importance of these scarce resources.
Walk to short distances instead of driving-If you are using the vehicle even at short distances it’s not a wise decision. Make a habit to have short walks to your destinations. It will give you health benefits as well as helps in curtailing air pollution. It looks like a silly one but it’s a healthy and wise choice. So try to avoid cars or bikes to nearby markets or kids’ schools if these are at the shortest distances. In a traffic stop the car or switch off the engine if the red light goes for long.
Plastic and polythenes are strict no-no-Plastic is a strict no-no as they don’t go for recycling. It is hazardous to the environment as well as to living beings’ health. If you go to the market carry your cloth bag. Avoid the plastic-coated vegetables and fruits and try to buy from the local market as I have discussed earlier too. Avoid single-use plastics such as disposable dishes and single-use straws and try to use reusables. It is the best approach for being environment-friendly.
Plant more trees-The pandemic has taught the people very well the importance of trees. Trees give us oxygen and life. Try to grow more plants and inspire your children to plant trees on their special days. They can name their trees and can see them grow. You can be a part of environment-friendly switches from major resources. Gift your loved one’s plants. Use more indoor plants in your living area which will give you both fresh air and happiness.
Vegan diet-The world is turning to vegan as the benefits of turning to a plant-based diet are numerous. I know it is not easy to do it completely but all you can do is to go for meat-free Mondays or meat-free Fridays. It looks tough but you will get used to it very soon. You can try new and tasty plant-based nutritious recipes. I am sure this will add to amazing health benefits and have a big impact on the environment as well.
Drives and campaigns for a clean environment-Green and clean environments are the responsibility of every one of us. Participate and campaigns and drives which focus on a healthy environment and clean surroundings. It can be a cleanliness drive to a beach or river, it can be making the people aware regarding the increasing pollution or the petty steps they can take to save the environment. Indulge more people in such activities.
Benefits of going green-
The benefits of going green are amazing and vast. As I have told earlier it is the need of the hour. It can make big transformations. Small lifestyle changes can have a big impact on the environment. You and your family can count on the immense benefits of going green after months and years.
Long and healthy life-Going green is being healthy. Being healthy is all about long and prosperous life as health is the biggest wealth. Small steps to going green can make huge transformations. So it’s all about bringing positive changes to ourselves and to our lives which is more than welcome.
Cuts down pollution-Small lifestyle changes reduce the burden on mother earth which helps in cutting down pollution. Small steps in reducing air, water, and sound pollution lead to a healthy, clean and safe environment. Going green is all about doing activities that cut down pollution or emit pollution.
Cost-effective-It is a win-win situation for all. Environment-friendly measures are not only safe for the earth but save on our pocket too and are cost-effective. It saves a lot of energy and money. So go for green and focus on becoming an environment-friendly guy and encourage others also to do the same. Mother nature will bless you for that.