Proven Simple Formula for Constipation Relief

Constipation relief

The term constipation is quite familiar almost everyone is having constipation, at least once in their life. It can occur at any age. A study revealed that constipation is more prevalent than diarrhea. It affects almost 14% of adults each year, which makes it more common nowadays. However, acute constipation does not require any particular treatment. On the other hand, in chronic constipation, it is necessary to seek your doctor help; to get proper medication. If we maintain a good, healthy lifestyle, then the constipation probabilities will become very low. There are natural constipation relief ways lets check them out.
Generally, constipation is a symptom, not a disease. If you have fewer bowel movements than regular, then you are constipated. Most of the time, there is no serious or major problem being in constipation. Using simple treatment can cure constipation. However, if it lasts for a long time, then it can be dangerous and painful as well. Thus, you shall deal with it as early as possible with the help of any physician.
What Does Constipation Mean?

Constipation means less than three bowel movements in a week. It is an abnormal condition of a digestive system, where an individual has hard stools, which are very difficult to expel out. It occurs due to the extensive water absorption from the food by a colon. As a result, it causes constipation. In this case, the stools become hard and lumpy. It might happen to anyone of us. Usually, aged people suffer the most due to multiple reasons. Commonly the severity of constipation varies from person to person. Some Individual faces it for the short term. On the other hand, fewer people face constipation for a more extended duration, which is extremely painful. Also, it requires immediate treatment if it accompanied by the symptoms of rectal bleeding, abdominal pains, nausea, vomiting. Fortunately, constipation occurs in an acute form most of the time, which makes it less dangerous and last for a short period.
In a study of Mackay Medical College in 2019 found that constipation occurs shortly after surgery. Patients with good types and no susceptible can take laxatives.
Will Constipation Fix by Itself?

In most of the cases, constipation fixes by itself without any treatment. If you faced it due to some medications’ side effects, then the withdrawal of that medication will automatically cure it. Sometimes by eating more water and little fiber food will remove the problem. However, in chronic constipation that lasts for long require aids for a full recovery.
What Are the Vitamins that Cause Constipation?

Several supplements can cause constipation. Vitamin D supplement is one of them. Excess intake of vitamin D can cause hypercalcemia (excess calcium in the blood). It will lead to constipation when you consume more than 4000 IU per day. Also, multivitamins and prenatal vitamins are responsible for the gastrointestinal problem. However, vitamin tablet composition does not contain only vitamins. Usually, they combine with calcium, iron, Vitamin A, and Vitamin C.
McMaster University in 2011 & the University of Michigan in 2018 has found that excess vitamin D consumption results in constipation, Nausea, Vomiting.
What Are the Treatment of Constipation?
The treatment of recurring constipation can include a change in lifestyle, using a laxative, eating more fiber foods, etc. The possible treatments are as follows. There are three lines of treatment,
- First-line of Treatment: is recurring constipation by natural remedies.
- Second-line of Treatment: is recurring constipation by using a laxative or any prescription drug.
- Third-line Treatment: is recurring by surgery when the first two lines of treatment fail.
What Are the Natural Remedies for Constipation?

First, you must seek some natural remedies that can help to constipation relief. For example: changing food habits and doing physical exercise. Such as the following: –
Increase Fiber Foods
It is essential to have 14gm of fiber food in 1000 calories daily diet. Fiber food will increase the weight of the stools, which will speed up the stool movement rate through the intestines. The sudden increase in fiber food can cause bloating and gas. Thus, try to begin to eat fiber food daily. There are two types of fibers, one is soluble, and another one is insoluble. Soluble fiber will soften the stools, which will be easier to pass through the intestine. Insoluble fiber will add bulk in the stool’s material, pushing the fecal constituent through the gut.
Best fiber food for constipation is whole-grain bread, cereals, and some kinds of pasta. Other fiber foods are fresh fruits, vegetables, and legumes. Legumes increase the weight of stools and the number of bacteria as well, which promotes to growth healthy intestine.
You can find naturally found fiber foods in: –
Prunes- it contains 2gm of fiber per one ounce.
Apple- it contains 4.4 gm of fiber in a 180gm of apple.
Pears – it contains 5.5gm of fiber in a 178 gm of pears
Others naturally found fiber foods are kiwifruit, figs, citrus fruit, spinach, etc.
Drinking water
Drinking lots of water help to dehydrate our body.
Bulking Agent
These can help to soften the stools and make them easier to pass. They are various natural polysaccharides such as wheat bran, ispaghula husk. Usually, it takes 24 hours to work after ingestion.
Regular exercise
Physical activity will increase the muscle activity of the intestine. It is important to do physical exercise regularly if an individual is fit enough.
Avoiding holding in stools
Respond to an individual body’s natural urges to pass stool and allowing you to enough time to have a bowel movement. Do not feel rush.
What Are Probiotic? How Do They Improve Constipation?

Probiotics are the beneficial bacteria, which found in yogurts and other cultured food. They can ease constipation by relieving the digestive woes. According to a study, it helps to increase weekly bowel movement and softens the stools that they can easily pass. Bifidobacteriuminfantis is the most common and efficient probiotic.
What Are the Prescribed Drugs for Constipation?
Laxatives considered the second line of constipation when no other treatment works. Thus, any individual can take a laxative with the help of a doctor’s suggestion.
In a recent study by Mackey Medical College in 2019 found a positive response by implementing Senna based laxatives on the constipated patient.
It will make the muscle in the intestine contract rhythmically. Refractory idiopathic constipation exclusively found in women, starting at a young age. Unfortunately, stimulant laxatives are not the preferable ones, because your body starts to adapt to it. Consequently, long-term use of stimulant laxatives, often at high dosage, may be necessary.
It will help the stools to move down smoothly through the colon. Examples are- mineral oil.
Stool softeners
Since the stools become lumpy and hard so using a stool softener can be a good option. Examples -Colace
Fiber supplement
This is considered as the safest laxative. It is also called bulk laxative. They include FiberCon, which needs to take with plenty of water.
In 2018, a meta-analysis study based on using fiber supplements in pediatric patients. They studied that according to the current literature, adequate fiber intake should only recommend for functional constipation. Also, doctors should not prescribe a fiber supplement in the diet of constipated children.
These types of laxatives will facilitate the movement of fluids through the colon, by increasing the secretion of fluids from the intestine and that stimulates the bowel movement. Such as Cephulac.
Saline Laxatives
These laxatives draw the water into the colon, such as milk of magnesia.
Chloride Channel Activator
There are few prescription laxatives, which are available to treat chronic constipation. Such as lubiprostone.
5-HT 4 agonists
They will increase the fluid secretion in the intestine and speed up the rate at which food passes through the colon. Such as prucalopride.
Peripherally acting mu-opioid receptor antagonists (PAMORAs).
If an opioid is a reason for constipation, then PAMORAs can be useful in treating constipation. It will reverse the opioid effect in the intestine. Such as naloxegol.

If all of the above treatments failed, then surgery will be the last option to get rid of constipation. Generally, in the case of chronic constipation, which is caused by blockage, rectocele; surgical removal of a part of a colon may be an option.
It is quite simple to avoid constipation. It is preferable to eat fruits and vegetables daily. One of the most valuable ways to avoid constipation is dipping olive oil to your salad dish. Also, drinking plenty of water, not less than 2.5 liters daily will improve defecation. Additionally, if it is possible for you, then walk, jog, or run at least 20 min daily. On the other hand, whenever you feel constipated, it is better to try natural remedies first. Usually, I prefer a small cup of olive oil before every meal. It will help. If you feel that this idea did not work, go for a glycerin suppository. It is one of the most reliable and most active ways to treat constipation without doctors’ aid. Otherwise, talk to your physician, because you might need to run some tests. Or, it might be a medication side effect. However, in all cases, be optimistic, this condition is treatable. And rarely you need to run a surgery. So cheer up.
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