Orange peel for shiny glowing skin

Orange peel

A good substitute for expensive vitamin C serums and gels available in the market
Hello friends, Fresh and glowing skin has always been the desire of every human being and dream of women. We run after many expensive scrubs, exfoliators, and masks available in the market. But their effects are not long-lasting. We have a very natural ingredient at our home in the kitchen and that is orange peel which can be used in many ways to get clear, fresh, and glowing skin. Orange peels scrub is used in many ways to get the maximum benefit out of it. It can also be used as a mask, as a scrub, or as a gel too. Let us have a look at how to make the orange peel powder.
How to make the orange peel powder-Take the peels of a few oranges. Keep these in the sun for 3-4 days. You will notice that these will become dry and cracked. Grind these and put them in a strainer to get a fine powder and your orange peel powder is ready to use. Fill it in a dry jar and use the desired quantity when required.
Orange peel contains Potassium, folate and vitamin-c and other anti-oxidants. It contains more nutrients than the fruit itself. There are a lot of expensive products available in the market such as vitamin c serum or vitamin-c night gel which can be beneficial in the short run but won’t give long-lasting results. Orange peel powder is a natural homemade mixture that can be used irrespective of your skin tone or skin texture. It is a natural ingredient that gives you a shine on the skin.
Different ways to use orange peels for clear-glowing skin-Orange peels can be used in different ways for the skin. It can be used as a scrub or as a face mask too. The quantity and composition need to be different and the proportion needs to be adjusted accordingly. It can be used regularly having no side effects on the skin. I am telling you how to use the orange peel in the form of a scrub and the form of a face mask.
Use it as a scrub-You can use the orange peel as a scrub. Just add half tbs of sugar in 2 tbsp of orange peel. Mix it properly and scrub the face and neck area for 3-4 minutes. Then wash it off. It will give a smooth texture to the skin. Instead of sugar, you can also use coffee powder which is also a good exfoliator. The results are astonishing. You need to be used it at least twice a week.
Use it as a mask-You can also use the orange peel as a face mask. Just add little honey to it and put it on your skin. Wash it after 10 minutes. It is a good mask to moisture the skin as well as get acne-free clear skin. You can also add orange peel powder with clay or sandalwood powder. It helps to get smooth skin and removes the impurities of the skin making it soft and giving a healthy look.
Benefits of using orange peel-There are immense benefits of using the orange peel for the skin. It can be used in many ways as I have discussed above. The benefits are immense if used consistently and regularly. Next, I am going to discuss what are the other benefits of using orange peel for the skin.
Skin lightening agent-Orange peel extract is full of vitamin-c which is a great skin lightening agent. Using it regularly or twice a week gives a good skin texture and it helps in removing tan and gives a smooth glowing skin by lightening the skin tone. It is a great exfoliator for the skin. But one thing that you need to keep in mind is that you need to be consistent and regular in such home remedies.
It contains antioxidants-Orange peel contains antioxidants which are a must for clear, healthy, and glowing skin. Such antioxidants help in giving a glow to the skin and a healthy look to it. These give a natural and fresh look to the skin.
It is full of vitamin-c and potassium and other nutrients-Orange peels contain more nutrients than the fruit itself. Vitamin C, folate, and potassium are healthy ingredients for glowing skin. So healthy skin can be attained by the cheapest form and that is the orange peel extract.
It gives a long-lasting result to the skin-You can sum up from the above discussion that orange peels extracts are the cheapest and the easiest ways to get glowing skin. You have the option of using it as a solo product too. Just add a few drops of water and apply. The glow and healthy look that you get are long-lasting and natural.
Precautions to be taken-Though orange peel is very good for skin and it has immense benefits and nutrients that are skin-friendly. But you need to be careful if your skin is more on the drier side or drier than the normal skin. In this case, you can apply the mixture with less composition of the orange peel extract. The other thing you can do is to use it once a week. That will nourish the skin and give a desirable glow. The sum and substance are that this homemade orange powder is really helpful and protects and nourishes the skin.
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