Home Exercises To Tone Inner Thighs

Inner thighs exercises
In recent years, obesity has taken the whole world by storm as people of all ages have been affected by it. The two main reasons for people becoming obese are a sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits. This is why people are now becoming more conscious about their fitness and health. The most common areas of fat accumulation in human beings include their belly, thighs, back, and butt, etc. Men and women around the world are looking for exercises to tone all these areas, especially their inner thighs.

Our inner thighs play a major role in all our physical activities as they help us to walk, run, dance, sit, stand, and climb stairs. Moreover, the clothes we wear also depend upon the size and shape of our inner thighs greatly. If you have bulky & fat inner thighs, then you can experience problems like poor posture, difficulty to walk, and skin inflammation, etc. But you don’t have to worry as we have prepared the list of top expert-recommended home exercises to tone inner thighs.
Best Inner Thighs Home Exercises
Jumping Jacks – Jumping jacks are a very effective workout to strengthen and tone your inner thighs. The main target muscles of this exercise include thighs, shoulders, quadriceps, hamstring muscles, calf muscles, biceps, and gluteal muscles. This is an amazing cardio exercise that also helps in improving blood circulation and heart health.

Steps To Do Jumping Jacks
- First of all, you need to stand straight with your both feet distanced at a shoulder-width. Also, your shoulders should be intact and arms should be at sides, just like ‘the attention’ position.
- After that, you need to jump up in the air and clap your hands above your head. While doing so, you also need to land on the floor with your both feet wide apart, at almost double shoulder-width.
- Then, you need to jump again in the air to bring both your feet and arms at the starting position.
- Repeat these steps continuously for 15-30 times per set.
Frog Jumps – Frog Jumps is a very intense workout to tone and strengthen your complete lower body, especially inner thighs. This exercise also targets various other areas like calf muscles, gluteal muscles, hamstrings, quadriceps, and other leg muscles. Apart from this, frog jumps are really effective for weight loss and improvement of cardiovascular health.

Steps To Do Frog Jumps
- Firstly, you need to stand straight with your feet distanced apart at a hip-width.
- After that, you need to bend your upper body a bit forward and get into the standard squat position. Also, keep both your hands together in front of your chest by bending your elbows.
- Then, you need to jump forward by throwing both hands sideways to push your body and land in the initial squat position.
- Repeat these steps 15-30 times per set.
Side Lunges – Side Lunges are one of the best exercises to tone your inner as well as outer thighs. Apart from this, other targeted areas of this exercise include hip flexors, quadriceps, gluteal muscles, hamstrings, and adductors. Side lunges also help in improving the overall flexibility and cardiovascular system of the body.

Steps To Do Side Lunges
- Firstly, you need to stand straight with your feet placed apart at more than hip-width distance.
- After that, you need to lower your body on the right side by bending your right knee and lowering your hips. Also, make sure to keep your upper body completely straight while doing so.
- Lower your body as much as possible and hold the position for 2-3 seconds.
- Return to the initial standing position and repeat these steps on both sides for 15-30 times pet set.
Curtsy Lunges – Curtsy lunges are an amazing workout to tone and strengthen your inner thighs and gluteal muscles. Along with this, curtsy lunges also target other areas like quadriceps, calf muscles, hamstring muscles, and back. Thus, it is one of the best workouts for the complete lower body.

Steps To Do Curtsy Lunges
- Firstly, you need to stand straight with both your feet at a hip-width distance. Place both hands on your waist by bending elbows & keep your shoulders intact.
- After that, you need to raise your left foot and put it behind your right leg, while stretching your left leg as far as possible. While doing so, you need to bend both your knees as if you are showing curtsy.
- Return your left foot to the initial position and repeat these steps with your right leg.
- Repeat these steps 15-30 times with each leg per set.
Sumo Squats – As the name suggests, sumo squat is a variation of the standard squat exercise to build lower body strength. The main target areas of this exercise include inner thighs, gluteal muscles, calf muscles, hamstrings, hips, and quadriceps. Apart from this, sumo squats are great for toning and strengthening of the core area.

Steps To Do Sumo Squats
- Stand straight with both your feet placed at a distance more than your hip-width. Point your toes outward at about a 45 degree more than the normal standing position. Keep your shoulders intact and keep both hands joined in front of your chest.
- After that, lower your body by bending your knees to extend your upper body & hips in the backward direction. You need to pretend that you’re sitting in a chair.
- Also, make sure to keep your back completely straight while doing so. Along with that, you need to keep your pointed outwards while not extending your knees beyond your toes.
- Hold this position for a few seconds and return to the starting position.
- Repeat these steps 15-30 times per set.
Standing Alternate Side Crunches – This another amazingly effective exercise to tone & strengthen your inner thighs. Furthermore, this exercise targets your outer thighs, gluteal muscles, oblique muscles, core, lats, and quadriceps. Apart from this, standing alternate side crunches help in improving the stability and strength of the body.

Steps To Do Standing Alternate Side Crunches
- First of all, stand straight with both your feet distanced at a hip-width. Place both your hands behind your head by crossing your fingers.
- After that, you need to lift your right knee towards your chest’s left side. Simultaneously, bend your upper body to bring your left elbow towards your right knee.
- Return your right foot to the initial position and perform the same steps with the left knee.
- Repeat these steps continuously for 15-30 times per set with alternate legs.
Scissor Legs Plank – Plank Jacks are an excellent exercise to tone and strengthen your upper & lower body, especially inner thighs. The other targeted areas of this workout include arms, shoulders, gluteal muscles, chest, hips, and core. Along with this, it also helps in improving the body’s stability, strength, and balance.

Steps To Do Scissor Legs Plank
- Firstly, you need to lie down on the floor in the standard plank position i.e. on your arms and toes with a completely straight body. Also, keep two gliding discs under both your feet.
- After that, you need to draw both your feet apart by sliding them as far away from each other as possible.
- Then, you need to slowly draw both your feet back to the initial position while putting pressure on your inner thighs.
- Repeat these steps 15-20 times per set.
Wrapping up!
So these were the top 7 expert-recommended home exercises to tone your inner thighs. Furthermore, these exercises will help in toning and strengthening your whole body. To get better results, combine these exercises with a healthy diet plan. Also, make sure to do these exercises regularly to see visible results. For queries & suggestions, feel free to comment below.