How Does The Plank Exercise Helps In Weight Loss

Plank exercise to weight loss or the plank pose is one of the most effective full-body workouts in the world. It helps in quickly burning the excess fats and calories from the body. Moreover, the plank workout targets most of the major muscles in the human body.
This includes the muscles in the abdominal area, core, shoulders, arms, chest, back, and hips. Thus, you are not only able to burn the excess fat from these areas but also tone them into perfect shape. Apart from this, the plank pose helps in improving the core strength, body balance, endurance, and posture.
Although, the plank seems to be a simple and easy exercise, yet it’s quite intense and exhausting in reality. The longer you hold the pose, the more it gets intense and difficult to stay in. Also, you need to do it daily and gradually increase your hold-time to get quick and better results. Most fitness experts around the world recommend the plank workout to people who want to lose weight quickly. Furthermore, there are many different variations of the plank pose that target different muscles and body areas. So let’s know more about these variations and how the plank exercise helps in weight loss.
The Extended Arms Plank (Standard Plank) – The extended arms plank is also known as the standard plank pose. The key targeted areas of this exercise include the shoulders, core, arms, hips, and back. This plank pose is best for beginners to improve their body and core strength for other plank variations. Moreover, this pose helps in burning the excess fat & calories from the body. Also, it is great for improving the digestion and metabolic activity of the body. One of the most identical versions of the extended arms plank is the forearm plank, which offers similar benefits.

To do the extended arms or forearm plank pose, you need to lie down on the floor facing downwards. After that, you need to lift your whole body on your toes and extended arms or forearms. Also, you need to ensure that your whole body is completely straight while doing this. When your body is lifted at the apex point, hold the position for 20-30 seconds and slowly return to the initial position. Then, repeat all these steps 2-3 times and increase the hold-time every few days.
The Mountain Climbers – The mountain climbers are one the most intense variations of the standard plank pose. The main target areas of this exercise include shoulders, hips, biceps, hamstring muscles, core, triceps, chest, and quadriceps. Thus, this full-body workout is amazing for burning the excess fat and calories from the body. Apart from this, the mountain climbers help in improving core strength, posture, stamina, and overall stability of the body.

To do the mountain climbers, you need to get down into the standard plank pose or the pushup position. After that, you need to bend your right knee and pull it towards your chest. Immediately after returning back to the initial position, pull your left knee towards your chest in a similar manner. Just keep repeating with these steps, as if you are running up on a vertical mountain. Do these steps 15-20 times with each leg, per set. Also, keep your back and arms completely straight while doing this exercise.
The Reverse Plank – As the name suggests, the reverse plank is a variation of the standard plank that is done in a reverse manner. This is a great exercise to remove the unnecessary fat and calories from the body. Moreover, this exercise helps in toning and strengthening of core, shoulders, back, hamstrings, chest, and gluteal muscles. Also, this is an excellent body stretching exercise as well.

To do the reverse plank, you need to sit down on the floor with legs extended in front of you. Place your palms just behind your hips to support your upper body. After that, you need to lift your hips by straightening your arms to form a straight line with your body. Focus on your core area while doing these steps and hold the position for 20-60 seconds per set. After a while, when the reverse plank becomes effortless for you, weights can be tied to your core area to increase the intensity.
Plank With Alternate Arm & Leg Raises – This is one of the most intense and effective workouts to burn excess body fat and calories from the body. As the name suggests, alternate arm & leg raises involves the movement of arms and legs. The targeted areas of this exercise include the abdomen, gluteal muscles, lower back, quads, and hamstrings. Furthermore, this exercise helps in improving the overall stability, strength, and flexibility of the body.

To do the plank with alternate arm and leg raises, you need to get down into the standard plank pose or pushup position. After that, you need to simultaneously lift your right arm and left leg as high as possible. Then, you need to lower down both and repeat the same steps with the left arm and right leg. Make sure to keep your body completely straight and stable during this. Repeat these steps 20-30 times with alternate legs & arms per set.
Plank Hip Twists – Plank hip twists is a variation of the forearm plank and it involves movements of the hips. The main targeted areas of this exercise include oblique muscles, core, lower back, quads, hamstrings, and gluteal muscles. Moreover, plank hip twists are very effective for improving body posture, flexibility, strength, and stability.

To do plank hip twists, you need to get lie down on the mat in the forearm plank position. Keep your body completely straight and stable. After that, you need to twist your hips downwards on the right side, as close to the floor as possible. Return to the initial position and repeat the same with your left hips. Don’t over-exert your body and keep your focus on your core during the whole time. Repeat these steps 20-30 times on each side per set.
The Takeaway!
So this is how the plank exercise helps in weight loss and strengthening of the complete body. By doing these top 5 variations of the plank daily, you can easily lose weight in very little time. Make sure to eat a healthy diet along with the exercise for quick and better results. Our fitness is 80% dependent upon diet while the rest 20% on the physical activities. Also, don’t over-exert your body in the beginning as it takes time to build body strength and lose weight. For queries or suggestions, feel free to write in the comment section below.