7 Result Proven Yoga Asanas To Control Diabetes

Yoga Asanas To Control Diabetes

Yoga is one of the oldest Indian healing practices that include various breathing techniques and yoga asanas. Since ancient times, people have been using different breathing techniques or pranayamas to prevent & treat various health problems. Similarly, there are various yoga asanas or poses that help to avoid and cure different health conditions and diseases. Diabetes is one such disease that commonly affects people of all ages, which can be managed through yoga asanas. Here, we will check out the 7 best yoga asanas to control diabetes.
But before that, let’s know the essential details about diabetes.
What Is Diabetes?
Diabetes is a set of diseases in which the levels of sugar in the blood is too high than normal. One of the main causes of diabetes is the malabsorption of glucose by body cells. Basically, the human body is known to get its energy from blood glucose or sugar. Blood sugar is mainly facilitated to the body by the foods we consume. Then, this sugar is absorbed by the blood cells to convert glucose into energy. This process of blood sugar absorption by the body cells is facilitated by the insulin hormone created by the pancreas. Thus, in a situation when there isn’t sufficient insulin production or utilization, the blood sugar levels rise, causing diabetes.
Common Causes Of Diabetes
Here are some of the most common diabetes causes that you must be aware of.
- Obesity
- Elevated Blood Pressure
- High Cholesterol
- Zero Physical Activity
- Genetics
- Old Age
- PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)
Common Symptoms Of Diabetes
Some of the commonly experienced symptoms of diabetes are listed below.
- Feeling Thirstier Than Usual
- Frequent Need To Urinate
- Feeling Hungrier Than Usual
- Sudden Weight Loss
- Tiredness
- Bad Temper
- Blurry Vision
- Recurrent Infections
Most Effective Yoga Asanas To Control Diabetes
Here are the 7 most effective yoga poses or asanas to control and manage diabetes.
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Adho Mukha Svanasana, also known as the Downward Facing Dog, is one of the best yoga asanas to control diabetes. This amazing pose helps to boost digestion and regulate blood pressure to manage diabetes. Furthermore, it helps to tone and strengthen various body muscles like chest, shoulders, abs, hips, hamstrings, quadriceps, and calf muscles.

How To Do The Downward Facing Dog Phase?
- Get down on the floor on all fours i.e. bent knees and extended straight arms.
- Now place the complete face of your palms and feet on the floor.
- After that, squeeze your core to lift your hips towards the floor to form an inverted V-shape with your body.
- Stop when your legs, as well as your upper body, are completely straight, and keep your face downward. Press your feet into the floor more than your hands to balance maximum bodyweight on your feet.
- Hold this pose for as long as possible, and then slowly lower your body into the initial position.
- Repeat these steps 2-3 times per day.
Viparita Karani
Viparita Karani, also known as the Legs-Up-The-Wall-Pose, is another amazing yoga asana to control and manage diabetes. As this yoga pose is medically proven to alleviate stress, it further helps to regulate blood sugar and BP levels. Furthermore, this pose also helps to strengthen and tone different body muscles like hamstrings, back, core, and chest. Also, it’s very effective to alleviate headaches, improve body energy, and boost blood circulation.

How To Do Legs-Up-The-Wall-Pose?
- Sit down on the floor on a yoga mat or a blanket, with your right side adjoining a wall.
- Now slide your legs up the wall, while slowly bringing your back flat on the floor. Stop when a 90-degree angle is formed between your upper body and the wall, while your legs are completely straight.
- Make sure that your buttocks are touching the wall, while your upper body is relaxed.
- Extend your arms sideways to form a T-Shape with your palms facing the roof.
- Hold this position for as long as possible, without straining your back.
- After that, slowly slide your legs sideways to return to the initial position.
The Child’s Pose, also known as the Balasana, is also a great yoga asana to regulate blood sugar levels. The child’s pose helps to lower down stress levels and alleviate tiredness. This further helps to trigger the production of beta-cells that produce insulin for blood sugar regulation. Moreover, this yoga pose helps to tone and strengthen the lower back and inner thigh muscles. Also, this is an excellent stretching exercise to do daily.

How To Do The Child’s Pose?
- Sit down on the floor on your knees, while keeping the knees a few inches apart.
- Bend forward to bring your head down towards the floor, while your torso rests on your thighs.
- When you have reached the lower possible point, extend your arms straight on the floor in front of you. Make sure that your palms are facing the floor.
- Hold this position for as long as possible while stretching your back without straining it.
- Slowly return to the initial position and repeat these steps 2-3 times daily.
Paschimottanasana, also known as the Seated Forward Bend, is medically proven to regulate and control blood sugar levels. Furthermore, it helps to boost weight loss and improve digestion, while alleviating anxiety, tiredness, and headaches. Also, it is an excellent pose for toning and strengthening of the core, back, and glutes.

How To Do The Seated Forward Bend Pose?
- Sit straight on the floor with your legs extended straight in front of you.
- Keep your back completely straight and place your palms on the floor on your sides to maintain balance.
- Now point your toes towards your toes, as if your feet are touching a wall.
- After that, squeeze your core to bend forward to touch your feet with both hands.
- Stop when you’re able to touch the bottom of your feet and your torso is resting on your thighs.
- Hold this position for as long as possible without straining your back, and then return to the initial position.
- Repeat these steps 2-3 times daily.
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, also known as the Bridge Pose, is considered to be an incredible asana to manage diabetes. This amazing yoga pose helps to alleviate stress and digestion problems, while also lower blood pressure levels. Thus, it further helps to regulate and control blood sugar levels. Moreover, it helps to tone and strengthen various body muscles like glutes, hamstrings, abs, back, and quadriceps, etc.

How To Do The Bridge Pose?
- Lie down on the floor on your back and bend your knees to bring your feet close to your buttocks.
- Extend your arms straight to place your palms on the floor near your buttocks.
- Now squeeze your core and press your arms & feet into the floor to lift your hips.
- After that, lift your chest off the floor by pressing into your arms and shoulders. Stop when hips and chest have reached the highest possible point.
- Hold this position for as long as possible, without straining your back.
- Then, slowly lower your body onto the floor and repeat these steps 2-3 times daily.
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana, also known as the Upward Facing Dog Pose, is known to effectively manage and lower blood sugar levels. Furthermore, it helps to improve body posture, stimulate abdominals, alleviate depression, and relieve asthma symptoms. Also, it a great exercise to tone and strengthen the core, chest, shoulders, triceps, and back muscles.

How To Do The Upward Facing Dog Pose?
- Lie down on the floor with your face downwards and your top part of the feet flat on the floor.
- Now place your palms on the sides of your chest on the floor by bending your elbows.
- After that, use your arms strength to push your upper body off the floor by extending your arms straight.
- When you have reached the highest position, lift your face upward towards the ceiling.
- Hold this position for as long as possible without putting excessive pressure on your back.
- Slowly return to the initial position and repeat these steps 2-3 times daily.
Dhanurasana, also known as the Bow Pose, is an incredible yoga pose for controlling and managing blood sugar levels. In several medical studies, it was found that this pose helped to boost the functioning of the pancreas and intestines. This further helps to prevent blood sugar levels from rising to abnormal levels. Moreover, it helps to tone and strengthen various body muscles like glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, and shoulders.

How To Do The Bow Pose?
- Lie down on the floor facing downward and bend your knees to bring your lower legs towards your buttocks.
- After that, extend your arms backward towards your buttocks to hold your ankles firmly with your hands.
- Now lift your head, chest, and knees off the floor by generating power through your arms and lower legs.
- When your body gets into a D-shape or a bow shape, breathe deeply to gaze in the front direction.
- Hold this position for as long as possible without hurting your back.
- After that, slowly lower down your body to the floor and repeat these steps 2-3 times per set.
The Bottom Line
So these were the top 7 result-proven yoga poses to control diabetes. By including these yoga asanas in your daily life, you can easily manage your blood sugar levels. However, it’s very important to eat a diabetes-friendly diet for the best results. For this, you must get a custom-made diet plan from a well-renowned licensed dietician near your place.