Self-care is the new wellness mantra

Wellness mantra
Are you punishing yourself with rigorous exercises, workouts, dieting plans…But find the joy in your life by doing the things that make you happy. Take care of your thought process too. Do the things that give you joy, energy, happiness and fills you with energy. Wellness is soul-rejuvenation that is the backbone of a healthy life. The new wellness mantra is all about taking care of the thoughts that rule the minds. Here are some wellness mantras which I am going to discuss in this article. I hope this piece of writing will add up to your positivity and feel-good factor. Though things look tough it’s not impossible to implement it in real life. Here is the list of few such things.

Love yourself unconditionally-Well…You love the world..that’s fine. The latest mantra is to love yourself unconditionally. Don’t let anybody take away your peace of mind. Don’t keep any condition on yourself when you love yourself. Feel free in doing the things that you love. You got just one life. Enjoy it fully.
Never forget to pursue your hobby-Everyone of us has a hobby. But it’s on us how we take it. It’s necessary to nurture a hobby. Our hobbies give us a sense of happiness, fulfillment, and growth. We feel like our life is accomplished. To identify your hobby, take time out to nurture that hobby, spend time and money on that. Sometimes your hobbies are the pavement of your success and take you higher in life.
Soul satisfaction is very important–
If you are satisfied in life, that means your soul is happy, cherished and contented. Only you can identify the activities and deeds that make you happy and satiated. If your soul is satisfied its visible on your face. Your bright and happy face says it all. So, focus on the activities that make you happy and rejuvenates your soul which is the key to a healthier life.
Pamper yourself-Well, I believe its a must to pamper ourselves. Concentrate on making yourself happy. To hell with the world, make yourself pampered first. Go to a spa, get a good massage, go shopping which is a stress-buster too for many people, talk to a good friend over the phone, watch your favorite movie, eat your favorite food, give yourself a good treat. You will feel on top of the world. So, its a must make yourself happy from within.
Physical activities do add to wellness hormones-Physical activities add to wellness hormones. So do a lot of exercises, go to the gym, do walking and jogging and other physical exercises. Sweat more. These activities add healthy hormones to the body. These hormones develop the feel-good factor in the body and mind. These activities recharge your batteries and prepare yourselves for the challenges of life.

Don’t let your inner child die
Everyone of us has a hidden child inside us. We need to take him/her out. Don’t be childish but be child-like. Your inner child needs to be pampered. Indulge in such activities that make you happy, creative and satisfied. Your inner child must come out without any hesitation.
Don’t over-limit yourself-Never set the boundaries for yourself. You are not born only to make the world happy and give them the performance targets. Identify your limits. Stop and think. Don’t overburden yourself with false claims. Never over-limit yourself. If a task is not accomplished, you don’t need to curse yourself. Take a break. Start afresh. Never leave trying again. Winners are those who accept failures.
Only you know your priorities-Set your priorities. What is important for others may not be so important for you. That’s fine. You must know the sequence of the things that you have to do. Set your priority list. Deadlines are just a date. Never force yourself or pressurize yourself with others.
Favorite foods nourish your soul
As I told earlier, favorite foods are the stress busters which nourish your soul. When you eat to your heart’s content and your favorite dish at the favorite restaurant…the feeling is mesmerizing. Never forget to give yourself a treat. It will soothe your soul, relax your nerves and body and give you a great feeling.
Spirituality takes you one step further to self-wellness-God is great and hears your prayers. When you do prayers, you find one step nearer to the true self. Meditation and spirituality make you a good human being with a cherished soul. Being spiritual means being near to God. Spirituality brings inner joy, peace, self-love, care and out of this world type feelings. So, pursue the regular prayer regimen, give time out for spiritual activities and feel the wellness. This is the new wellness mantra.
Stop worrying about petty things-Life is all about happy and sad moments. Some things are within your limits but some things are out of your control. Stop worrying about the future. Live in present. Never forget that whatever happens for good. Be happy in whatever situation you are and wherever you are. Life is all about moving on from a bad situation. Things are always not smoother and the grass is not always greener. So keep your calm, maintain peace and try to be cool.
Things take their time. So learn to manage the anxiety process
Anxiety and stress are a part of life. But one must learn how to manage anxiety and stress. Never be impatient. Things take their time and some things and problems solve with time. Time is the best healer too. So try to manage stress and learn how to deal with things in a composed way. Never trouble yourself by imposing an extra burden of everything as the master of all is the master of none. So try to be as calm, happy and contented as you can.