Symptoms of magnesium deficiency

Magnesium deficiency
You take care of your calcium, vitamins and other minerals in the food and supplements but do you know magnesium is the most undermine mineral in the food. We often don’t know its importance. Almost 80 percent of Americans are deficient in magnesium. This mineral is responsible for healthy bones and muscles and severe headaches can be due to magnesium deficiency in food which can lead to severe consequences. In this piece of writing I am going to focus on the possible signs and symptoms of magnesium deficiency, the causes behind magnesium deficiency, the food sources which are rich in magnesium and the precautions we need to take while consuming magnesium in our daily diet. Let us first have a look at the signs and symptoms of magnesium deficiency.
Signs and symptoms which show you are magnesium deficient
Here is the list of the possible symptoms which may be visible if you are deficient of this mineral-
a)Fatigue-If you are generally in a state of fatigue, make sure your body has a sufficient level of magnesium.
b)High blood pressure and irregular heartbeat-The another symptom of magnesium deficiency is the increased blood pressure which puts stress on the heart vessels and responsible for an irregular heartbeat.
c)Poor bone density-Magnesium deficiency leads to poor bone density. So this symptom if persists be careful and get your magnesium level checked thoroughly.
d)Insomnia-The other common symptoms of magnesium deficiency are trouble sleeping and disturbed sleep.
e)Poor concentration level- If you lack concentration on the petty things and feel difficulty in recollecting the things, then you may be suffering from a lack of magnesium in the blood.
f)Stress and anxiety-Stress, depression and anxiety are the other symptoms or signs of deficiency of magnesium.
g)Ringing in ears-If you feel tinkling and ringing of bells in the ears, then you may be suffered from the level of magnesium in the blood.
h)Muscles cramps and contraction-Muscle pain, muscle cramps and contraction may be the other sign or symptom of lack of magnesium in the blood.
i)Weight gain-If you are gaining unnecessary weight in spite of dieting and exercising, then be careful. This can be the other sign or symptom of a lack of magnesium in the blood.
j)Kidney stones-Stones in kidneys are the most common symptom of magnesium deficiency. These stones start from small tissues and cells and increase in size and become severe if not taken proper care.
k)Constipation-If you feel difficulty passing stools in the mornings and often constipated, be careful. This may be the sign of a lack of magnesium.
l)Type-2 diabetes-If you have type-2 diabetes, then you may suffer from a lack of magnesium in the body. The major cause of type-2 diabetes is a lack of magnesium in the blood.
m)Heart attacks and strokes- The heart ailments, major attacks, and heart strokes are the other sign or symptoms of lack of magnesium in the blood.
n)More cravings for sweets- If you are craving for more sweets, then be careful. It can be a sign of magnesium deficiency. So get your magnesium level checked thoroughly.
Above are the signs or symptoms of magnesium deficiency. If you have one or more of the following symptoms, then you need to consult your physician and diagnose it properly. Let us now have a look at what are the reasons behind the lack of magnesium in the body. Here is a list of the reasons that may lead to magnesium deficiency in the body.
Reasons behind magnesium deficiency in the body

There may be one of the multiple reasons behind magnesium deficiency in the body. Let us have a look at these possible causes.
1)Lack of nutrients in diet-If you are not consuming sufficient nutrients, then you may be more prone to lack of magnesium. The prolonged lack of nutrients makes the problem grave. So 300-500 mg of magnesium must be consumed in daily diet.
2)Consumption of processed foods-When the food is processed, it may lose the essential nutrients and elements, which in turn leads to a lack of magnesium in the blood.
3)More use of antibiotics- If you are using sleeping pills, anti-depressants, birth control pills, blood pressure control tablets, etc, which are the other cause of magnesium deficiency in the blood. So these medicines must be consumed under strict guidance and supervision.
4)Prolonged stress-Prolonged stress, anxiety, and depression is the major reason for lack of magnesium in the blood. The body is not able to produce beneficial or happy hormones which leads to severe consequences.
5)More caffeine intake- more consumption of tea and coffee is also the other reason. The more infusion of caffeine in the blood leads to a hazard in the consumption of magnesium diet and leads to lower magnesium levels in the blood.
6)Lack of absorption of magnesium in blood or any digestive problem- other reasons may be the lack of absorption of magnesium level in the blood which can be due to some digestive problem or essential immune acids.
Let us now have a look at what are the food sources from which we can get magnesium. There is a variety of foods available in the market which meet the deficiency of this iron. As I have discussed earlier 300-500 mg of magnesium is a must for a human being every day. Let us now have a look at what are these food sources are rich in magnesium.
There are a lot of food items from where you can get the magnesium. Here is a list of food items that you must consume to avoid magnesium deficiency.

A)All types of nuts and seeds-All types of nuts such as almonds, cashews, walnuts and pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds are all rich in magnesium. So there must be consumed regularly in case of magnesium deficiency.
B)Quinoa-Quinoa is rich in magnesium and is a very good source of magnesium. So if you are magnesium deficient, its regular use can meet the deficiency. So include quinoa in your regular diet chart.
C)Fish-Fish is rich in magnesium. Fish and cod liver oil is also a good source of magnesium. So regular use of it can lead to beneficial effects in case of deficiency of this mineral.
D)Dark chocolates-Dark chocolates are not only stress busters but also rich in magnesium. So use the dark chocolates in case you are magnesium deficient.
E)Beans and spinach- All types of beans, green leafy vegetables, green salads, and spinach are a rich source of magnesium. These contain a lot of antioxidants which meet the magnesium deficiency.
A certain quantity consumption of magnesium is acceptable but do you know the excessive consumption may lead to severe consequences. Here are certain precautions that you need to take while consuming magnesium.
1)Use the food sources that are natural and easily digestive-The foods which are processed, avoid these foods. Instead consume the products or foods that are natural, herbal and easily digestive.
2)Avoid in case of kidney problems-If you are suffering from kidney stones and other kidney ailments, avoid magnesium. Also, avoid overdose which is more than 500 mg a day which can unnecessarily cause negative effects.
3)May interact with some medicines-If you are on medication, keep a check on your magnesium level. It may react with some medicines which may make the problem grave. So take the medicines under proper supervision and make sure the level of magnesium in the blood is accurate and medications won’t react with that.